
May 21, 2008

Chrishan "Changed"

Chrishan has a new song titled "Changed". This song was previewed about 2 weeks ago by R&B star Lloyd... except his version was titled "Life". We are wondering who is actually going to get the beat for their album... Especially with Lloyd being well-known and with his new album coming out soon, and Chrishan only debuting sometime soon... Will the song go to lloyd because of 'seniority'?

Overall, the song is great. We give it an 8.6/10.0. Chrishan uses his voice as an instrument and really excels. His voice has really matured since the last bit of music we've heard... a month or so ago. He really has "Changed"... He seems to be turning into an exciting new face in R&B! We'll see how he differentiates himself from the R&B games male stars. For example, we think he'll end up being compared to Lloyd, Trey Songz, J. Holiday, Casely and Chris Brown. He needs to find either a route, style, music-feel, or audience direction different than the forementioned artists.
We can't wait to see Chrishan mature more and begin his journey to stardom. Deff. check this trackout!!!


Shout to BMF!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this youngin! Lloyd is definitely one of my fav singers out now, so I can't what to hear what chrishan does with this song.